Chandra Bhedana: pranayama breathwork that stirs the lunar side of the body, allowing for a quieting of the brain and cooling of the body
1. Sit in a comfortable seated position, legs crossed and back straight
2. Position the right hand so that the thumb rests on the right nostril, pointer and middle fingers rest gently on your third eye center, and ring finger rests on the left nostril
3. Close the eyes, and gently block the right nostril and inhale slowly through the left nostril
4. Pause at the top of the breath, and then block the left nostril and exhale slowly through right side
5. Continue breathing at your own pace, always inhaling through the left side and exhaling through the right. It might help to keep the pace in your head as follows
inhale left 5-4-3-2-1, (pause), exhale right 5-4-3-2-1