"Hello, my name is A and i was wondering if you would be willing to donate about a cup of black glaze to my school. You see, I go to a public charter school known as ___ and due to the flooding we had our school is rather broke. We recently did a clay project in art and everyone else used up the little amount of glaze we had from last year and due to lack of money my teacher can't buy any more. So i was wondering if you would mind lending me a cup of glaze for my tea set I made. It would really mean the world to me. "
"Really! Thank you so much!!! Is it ok if my mom picks it up on her way home work tomorrow? Oh and i will be sure to stop by and show you my tea set when it is finished. :)"
hope she knows i'm looking forward to seeing something like this:
Samita Masami | "Remoteness" 1992. Porcelain with gold and silver pigments over black glaze
or these:
Hedwig Bollhagen via rawearthopensky
via rawearthopensky
I like when people go for the big ask. many many people in my life are where they are because they weren't afraid to just ask for what they want. seriously, it doesn't hurt anyone to ask. it builds your own confidence, reminds you what goal you're reaching for, and builds character. even when you receive a whole bunch of 'no's' in response to your big ask (which you will)…chances are it's an opportunity to work harder. an opportunity to refine your shpeal, to ask in a different way, to look for a different kind of place or person to ask.
i think god appreciates the big ask, too. not every opportunity is going to fall out of the sky into our laps, people. some opportunities god has fully in the works and in his plan, but he's just waiting for us to figure out that we really want it. that we'll appreciate it. that we'll see it as the huge opportunity and blessing that it is and act on it. it probably takes a little work to orchestrate opportunities and miracles…I wouldn't blame him for waiting until we're in the right mindset to observe the miracle and jump into action because of it.
even jesus went for the big ask. before being killed he went and asked god 'i'll do what you say because you're the boss man and i trust you, but couldn't we do this any other way? it would be really really great if there was another option that we could explore here…'
and god said no and the way we understand jesus has forever been enriched by that observation of the big ask and receiving a big fat no. you've got to remember that sometimes your big ask will result in a big fat no for a big fat good reason, but it doesn't mean you should stop being awesome. or that you should ever stop asking :)